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Career Speakers

PREP your middle school students to speak with professionals!

Step 1: What is Career Speakers?

Watch the 2-minute video that gives your students a brief overview of Career Speakers.

Step 2: Suggested Pre-Activity

Facilitate a discussion about the difference between a job vs a career. This 2-minute video describes the difference.

Step 3: Create Questions to Ask

Have students prep their own questions before the event and make sure they have them during the event. Help them think critically about what questions they would like to ask.

Click the button to print out suggested questions for students to ask during the event.


Check with your school coordinator to see a list of potential professionals.

During & After the Experience

Note Taking Activity

Keep students engaged during the event by having them take notes. Please see the template by clicking the button.

Post Event Activity

After the event, students will be asked to complete a survey. The link is provided by your school coordinator. Please facilitate a conversation with your students about the experience and steps they'd like to take as a result. We have linked an optional worksheet to use as a reflection activity.

Optional Additional Resources

The additional listed resources are optional if you are interested in exploring more activities.

Career Interest Survey in Spanish

This interest survey is a worksheet for students to complete that is translated for Spanish speakers.

Post Activity: Career Research

This 30-minute Career Research activity can be completed after the event. Students are asked to conduct research based on a career they showed interest in.

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"Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society." -Sonia Sotomayor

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